
Say No to Dowry

Dowry is a never-ending problem that exists in India. Whether a bride is financially independent, well educated or earns handsome money still Indian society values girl with their dowry. In some cases, male parents' asked for dowry, while in other instances, girl's parents considered dowry as a gift that they are giving to their daughters.

A gift or demand; is giving or asking dowry right. India ranked top for the highest dowry death in the world according to Indian National Crime Record Bureau. There are around 8,233 death cases reported across India. However, these are death rate records, but many are mentally tortured, assaulted and even beaten too just for the dowry.

Numbers are hidden, but reality not. We all know that dowry is illegal and prohibited, but still, it is happening, and people demand for dowry. Dowry is a contagious, heinous crime that should stop, and parents should refuse those who ask dowry.

Girls need a supportive and understanding husband, not a man with price tag. However, nowadays, dowry also becomes a way for the girls' parents to show their status.

The financially supported parents often promote dowry on a large scale to maintain their social status. Due to this, several cases arise in which the girl dominates her husband by saying that her father has given so much expensive stuff that he may not afford.

These issues arise due to the gift, or we can say expensive gift parents gave her daughter. It's time when women should take a stand and say no to dowry. Stand for other women whose parents are not able to pay dowry. Stand for those women who face humiliation and torture for the dowry.

There is an old saying, "a woman is the enemy of other women" then why not changing this saying, and all women stand together, support each other, and build a better society for women. Whether as a mother, as a wife, or as a sister, teach boys to help females and respect her, teach them that asking or demanding dowry will raise questions on men's ability.

Boys who demand and accept dowry are Khottey Sikkey that has no value. Now, you decide who you are.


Women Challenges

Are you a homemaker?

Wow! You must be enjoying yourself a lot, sitting at home and relaxing, with no work to do. However, it is hard to relax as a working person, with too much pressure and workload.

How would you know? As if, you are just a homemaker. All homemakers must have heard such phrases, but now it is time to show that being a homemaker is not an easy job.

Besides, to those who think that homemaker does nothing Then revamp your thought because you are no one to judge her.

Homemaker works 24 hours, from morning to evening, Sunday to Saturday, and still, we were saying that what work they do. This is how our society defines homemaker.

Challenges of a homemaker :

• No one values her work
• She used to ask for money from her husband for anything.
• She often heard that she does nothing and does not know how to earn.
• She hardly rests and enjoys her life.
• She faces humiliation from society that she is just a homemaker.
• She manages all the house and child responsibility alone.
• Everyone expects from her that she never come home late.
• She is not allowed to go out without permission.
• She cannot wear cloth of her choice after marriage.

It is challenging to play a human-robot role, working day in and day out without any payoff. A homemaker is the one who manages or runs your house smoothly. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the family member to appreciate her work and understand her value. Even a husband should give his wife money at the end of the month to appreciate her work. To make her realize that she is doing a great job that no one else can do it.

If you are, doing it willingly and you chose to quit your job and be a homemaker. You love to cook food for your family and enjoy household chores. Then it is your choice, and everyone should accept it. Nevertheless, if you do it forcefully and do not want to do it, everyone should also accept her choices and support her.

If you are the one who suffers from these issues, then do contact us and comment us on the comment box. We will surely help you out to tackle such problems. The motive of this blog is to change the mentality of society or make women stronger and empower.


Sati Pratha: An Epic Misunderstanding

Sati Pratha is a misunderstood ritual that followed differently and put forward as a burning widow alive in her husband's funeral pyre. It becomes obligatory for the widow to followed sati pratha.

As per the research, we have discovered no sign of sati pratha in Hindu Dharma. Moreover, no religious book proved this custom. However, the name of Sati derived from the goddess Sati who is the daughter of Prajapati Daksh and wife of Lord Shiva. The term related to a mythological story of Sati where her father insults her as she was uninvited and went to her father's home, due to which goddess sati burn herself in a fire.

Nevertheless, Indian society followed sati pratha in a heinous manner, and there is no religious affirmation about this custom. The Brahmans widely impose the ritual on the lower caste people where Brahmans forced women to follow this practice, and relatives clap during the ceremony.

However, as time passes, the social reformer Raja Ram Mohan Roy abolished it and the British govt. announced Sati Pratha illegal. The sati pratha eliminate, but the widow's life became hard as society made so many rules and regulation for the widow. When a husband died, Indian culture blamed women for her husband death, taunts her, and called her a witch, bad luck and many more.

When a man died, then the lives of women become so harder that we cannot imagine as she faces society's evil eyes and many other issues. Society does not allow widow for remarriage, and they cannot wear colorful clothes and live with so many restrictions.

It expected from women that she look-after her child and in-laws alone after her husband died. However, many women solely manage the house and her children after her husband died. Society allows marriage for widow men but not for women. According to the community, men need support and life partner for their future. Besides this, his children also need a mother, so he should re-marry.

Double Standards of Indian Society, after wife death society support men and empathizes him while if a husband died then society blame women for his death. If you faced related problems, do let us know we will help you out.


Who Am I

Indian society defines various roles for women; a mother, daughter, sister, and wife. The community has set rules and boundaries; however, women are not allowed to cross these lines. Besides, if any women crossed these lines, then they considered uncultured women or bad women.

Society put so hard to set the rules and regulation, so why not society put such strenuous efforts into supporting women and helping them make their own identity.

In India, women hardly exist until they serve selflessly to meet their family member or loved ones' needs.

Yesterday, Today or Tomorrow, In India, women's identity is just like passing days, and no one is talking about women's identity, choices, decision, and freedom.

When she is born, she learns to become a good daughter in law, good wife and all, but why nobody told her that now you have to learn to stand on your feet, you have to learn to speak for your rights, you have to stand for your freedom, opinion and choices.

Why not.

Why taught boys to stand on his feet but not the girl

Why taught boys to fight for his rights but not the girl

Why trained boys that their decision matters but not the girl

Why taught boys that he has to build his image but not the girl

Why taught boys to scream and say no but not women

Why boys have, many choices but women have no choices

Why taught girls to keep quiet but not boys to respect girls

Why taught boys to be fearless and girls to be terrified

Indian society considered women nothing. For the community, they are caretaker who cares all. It is the identity society has made.

As time changes, we know that now women are coming altogether and standing for their rights and freedom. Society should support women for their success and dreams. They are human too, and just as men have individuality, similarly, women have. Then why only women lost their identity, not men. Indian society, women have her choice, and she has the right to choose what she wants.


House Cleaner; A Helping Hand for Women.

Having a house cleaner in a home does not mean a woman has nothing to do.

A house cleaner is just a helping hand for the women that reduce the shoulder's burden, not mitigating responsibility.

However, if a woman hires a house cleaner, that does not mean her works end. From the day, first, she starts working together with the house cleaner. She trained her, guide her, and support her and so on.

The easier it is to hire the house cleaner, the more complex it is to handle the house cleaner. Why does man responsibility limit until paying salary to house cleaner? Why ask women solely but not ask men to manage the house and office altogether. Why is hiring a housecleaner a probability, not an affirmation?

If both are, working and can afford the house help, then why women do household chores.

Hiring a housecleaner should be the choice of women. Whether she works or not, if a family affords house help and women want a house cleaner, it should be done.

If you are, doing it willingly, and you chose to quit your job and be a homemaker. You love to cook food for your family and enjoy household chores. Then it is your choice, and everyone should accept it.

Nevertheless, if you do it forcefully and do not want to do it, everyone should also accept her choices and support her.

Several families fired house help after daughter in law. They expect from daughter in law to do all the household work.

According to Indian society, women should do all the household work from dawn to dusk and she should not complain.

Daughter in law is your family member, not your free house cleaner. Women have their choice, and they matter.

If women appointed house cleaner, it does not denote that they are free and have nothing to do. A house help reduces the workload, not the responsibility.

Being women is not easy to live in India. In India, women hardly have the freedom to live their life on their terms and take decision about her life.


Why Ask Daughter in Law to Adjust but Not Family

Stop eating non-veg because, in future, you may get the in-laws that eat veg food or vice versa.

How will you manage, so stop eating non-veg?

This is how society raised an Indian girl; the day she born, her parents start thinking about her marriage and dowry.

In Indian society, a girl marriage values most than her education or career.

That is why Indian women are less successful and has a fewer contribution to GDP.

Indian society is highly man-dominated and living in a male chauvinist community is hard for women to put their desires and choices forward.

From that day, a girl born, everyone made her realize that she is not so important. She used to do household work and learn everything to impress her in-laws. From cooking to knitting, she must learn, as these skills are the characteristics of a good daughter in law.

In India, women taught that they should not express their desire and choices and always do what their parents, in-laws, and husbands said to do her. She has no right to her clothing, food and lifestyle. This is how Indian society expects women to be.

Why society has not set any guidelines for men? Why interrupt women but not men for food choices? What are the characteristics of a good son-in-law? Is anyone ever taught men to be supportive and caring for his wife? Is anyone ever-taught men that his wife decision and choices matters?

No one. Right.

Challenges a non-veg and veg bride face in their in-law's house.

When a girl married a non-veg family, the family expects a girl to cook non-veg for the family without thinking that she is not okay with non-veg. The only thing matter is that she should do what their in-laws and husband wants.

If a girl is non-vegetarian and married to a veg –family, she should stop eating non-veg as their in-laws and husband abhor.

The family should understand the new bride's choices and adjust too as she is their daughter in law a part of their family, not an object.


Challenges of Working Women

Time changes, world evolve but only thing remain constant is the societal standards and rules for women.

I am a working women and I am a homemaker, but who cares because society never change for women.

In prior time, everyone taught girls that they need to perform household chores and be homemakers. However, as time passes, this society taboo decrease and now women have a choice to choose. However, whether they want to be homemakers or working women, preferences are given but not liberty.

Suppose she chooses to look after her family and be a homemaker rather than going out to work. Then respect her decision and accept her choice.

Women are not a puppet. They have their choices, and society needs to accept their choices.

Indian society now is a time to flush out your shitty and forced perception that you implemented over women for a long time.

Cons of choices

• Society expects that women should perform the household chores too.
• If they have to go to the office, they need to wake up early, do household stuff, and then go to the office.
• When they return, they need to cook dinner and perform household chores.

However, more than a choice, it looks like a punishment for the women who choose to work after marriage.

When both are working, then why household chores the responsibility of women solely. Who has decided this? A man dominated society that never thinks about women.

When men say no to household chores after marriage, then why women deprived of this.

When both are working, then household responsibility should be of both. Choices should be given equally to the women as men have before or after marriage.

Why do women change their lifestyle after marriage?

Why do women lose their job after men transfer or anything?

Why does society not prioritize women's careers as necessary as men do?

However, it is tougher to play the role of homemaker and working women altogether.

Teach the boy's household chores and make them understood cooking is essential. Everyone should learn as it is for survival.

Make men understand that after marriage, responsibility divides between two. They both should perform together to run a happy house.

Whether she works or not, a man should look after the household chores and helped her. It is the responsibility of both, not the one.

They are women and deserve to live their lives on their terms as a homemaker or working woman.