Get consultation for following Issues

Love Relationship

Relationships are like the two pieces of an unsolved puzzle that require a lifetime effort to be found. In the wake of finding those pieces...

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Marital Problems

Marriage is considered very sacred in India and surprisingly, has the highest cases of domestic violence. In a setting where two people take...

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Family Work Responsibilities

Taking care of families is not a one-person job, but often we see our mothers and sisters taking care of the house. While it is considered ...

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Financial Problems

If you are still asking for money from your male partner, then it is clear that you are not financially independent. No, getting aid from your partner...

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Gender Biasness

In Indian society, gender biases is not considered discrimination. Unlike the metropolitan cities where women are the "force of nature," women...

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Pregnancy & Health Issues

Health issues are another major issue faced by Indian women. From being pregnant to getting basic health amenities, it is no less than...

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